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Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Environmental Care"

Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Environmental Care" - Adik adik yang baik, masih bersama kakak bospedia, nah kali ini kakak ingin membagikan rangkuman dari pembahasan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang Environmental Care mengenai Literasi I Love Reading untuk adik adik yang duduk dikelas IV SD/MI ,. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat. 
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Environmental Care"
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Environmental Care"


Community Service In the Class Garden

In Dira school, every class has 1 plot of garden that can be planted various plants. Dira and friends discuss with Mr. Wira to determine the plants to be planted. They decided to plant spinach and kale vegetables because of the short harvest period, which is around 3 – 4 weeks.

All students brings pot, while seeds will be bring by Mr. Wira. All students do planting accompanied by Mr. Dudi gardener. Dira and friends also make a watering schedule that is in the morning and evening. Fertilization schedule is doing once a week.

A week later, spinach and kale begin to grow, but dry from the sun heat. Dira and friends are very sad, but Mr. Dudi and Mr. Wira remind to be happy.

A month later, they harvest kale and spinach. The plant grows fertile, fresh green. Vegetable harvest is doing together and enjoying the plants.


Answer the following questions according to the text!

1. What is planted by Dora and her friends?
Answer: Spinach and kale

2. When Dira harvesting the plants ?
Answer: Around 3 – 4 weeks

3. What was bring by Mr. Wira?
Answer: Seed

4. When do watering and fertilizing plants?
Answer: Watering is do morning and evening, while fertilizing is do once a week

5. What is the lesson can be taken from the story?
Answer: Never give up if you want to get something


  • Kerja bakti:Community service
  • Kebun kelas: Class garden
  • Masing-masing: Each
  • Petak: Plot
  • Ditanami: Planted
  • Berbagai: Various
  • Diskusi: Discuss
  • Menentukan: Determine
  • Memutuskan: Decided
  • Bayam: Spinach
  • Kangkung: Kale
  • Pendek: Short
  • Panen: Harvest
  • Masa: Period
  • Sekitar: Around
  • Membawa: Bring
  • Pot: Pot
  • Biji: Seeds
  • Penanaman: Planting
  • Ditemani: Accompanied
  • Tukang kebun: Gardener
  • Penyiraman: Watering
  • Jadwal: Schedule
  • Pemupukan: Fertilization
  • 1 minggu sekali: Once a week
  • Kemudian: Later
  • Bayam: Spinach
  • Kangkung: Kale
  • Mulai: Begin
  • Tumbuh: Grow
  • Matahari: Sun
  • Panas: Heat
  • Sedih: Sad
  • Mengingatkan: Remind
  • Penanaman kembali: Replant
  • Bulan: Month
  • Memanen: Harvest
  • Subur: Thrive
  • Segar: Fresh
  • Sayuran: Vegetable
  • Panen: Harvest
  • Bersama: Together
  • Menikmati: Enjoy
  • Ingin: Wants
  • Membaca: Read
  • Peduli: Care
  • Membawa: Bring
  • Sebelum: Before
  • Berangkat: Leaving
  • Membiarkan: Let
  • Menyiapkan: Prepare
  • Makanan: Food
  • Mandiri: Independently
  • Hidup: Living
  • Jagung: Corn
  • Kedelai: Soybeans
  • Kacang: Peanuts
  • Umbi: Tubers
  • Wortel: Carrots
  • Kangkung: Kale
  • Makan: Eating
  • Pernah: Been
  • Sakit: Sick
  • Sabar: Patient
  • Merawat: Tak care
  • Memberi: Giving
  • Sehat: Healty
  • Gesit: Agile
  • Membersihkan: Cleanses
  • Tanggung jawab: Respsible
  • Menyenangkan: Fun
  • Sulit: Difficult


Kiki And Lala Rabbits

Wuli wants to have rabbits. Wuli also read books about rabbit care. Wuli was very happy because grandfather come and bring 2 white rabbits. Wuli gives the name Kiki and Lala, and made the house in back yard. In the morning before going to school, Wuli let Kiki and Lala play. Wuli also prepares food corn, soybeans, peanuts, tubers for Lala and Kiki. After school, Kiki and Lala are invited play with Wuli. At night Wuli prepares carrots and kale for Kiki and Lala because at night the rabbit very active eating. Kiki has also been sick, Wuli is patient for caring and giving vitamins, so Kiki is healthy again and agile playing with Lala. Wuli also cleans rabbit’s house independently. Kiki and Lala are happy and healty living with Wuli. Raising rabbits is fun and difficult. Wuli must respinsible and giving love.


1. What is grandfather bring for Wuli?
Answer: Rabbit

2. What Wuli does to rabbit?
Answer: Wuli give the name Kiki and Lala, and made the house in back yard

3. What is Wuli prepare in the morning for Kiki and Lala?
Answer: Corn, Soybeans, Peanuts,Tubers

4. What is Wuli prepare in the night for Kiki and Lala?
Answer: Carrots and kale

5. What is Wuli doing when rabbit sick?
Answer: Wuli is patient in take a care and giving vitamins

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