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Mayday 五月天 - Ren Sheng You Xian Gong Si 人生有限公司【Life Co. Ltd.】[Pinyin,English Translation]

Mayday 五月天 - Ren Sheng You Xian Gong Si 人生有限公司【Life Co. Ltd.】[Pinyin,English Translation]


Nǐ yòng kū shēng dǎkǎ
You punched your first timesheet with a bawl

Chǎnfáng lǐ de wáwá
As a baby in the delivery room

众人祝福 你还记得吗?
Zhòngrén zhùfú nǐ hái jìdé ma?
Do you remember the well-wishes from everyone?

Dāngshí yīsībùguà
Not a single piece of cloth on you back then

Rújīn yī fēn bù chā
Now dressing professionally

成天会议 成堆资料夹
Chéngtiān huìyì chéng duī zīliào jiā
Day-long meetings and piles of documents

Dì yī gè bùmén
In the first department you enter

Zhǔguǎn jiàozuò bà mā
The heads are your parents

Nǐ zhǐyào guāiguāi tīnghuà
All you need to do is to obey

Dì èr gè bùmén
The second department

专门改造傻瓜 会念书
Zhuānmén gǎizào shǎguā huì niànshū
Specialises in transforming idiots

会考试 的那种傻瓜
Huì kǎoshì dì nà zhǒng shǎguā
Idiots that only knew how to study and take exams

“你曾挣扎过吗 你曾反抗过吗?”
“Nǐ céng zhēngzháguò ma nǐ céng fǎnkàngguò ma?”
Have you ever struggled? Have you ever resisted?

如何使用生命 就叫“使命”是吗?
Rúhé shǐyòng shēngmìng jiù jiào “shǐmìng” shì ma?
Is your calling in life what others call you?

人生有限选择 谁在规划?
Rénshēng yǒuxiàn xuǎnzé shéi zài guīhuà?
Who’s planning the limited choices in life?

追逐富贵荣华 目标飞黄腾达
Zhuīzhú fùguì rónghuá mùbiāo fēihuángténgdá
Pursuing riches and luxury; aspiring to be successful

你准备好了吗 现在必须出发
Nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎole ma xiànzài bìxū chūfā
Are you ready or not? You have to set off now!

人生有限公司 没有一天能请假
Rénshēng yǒuxiàn gōngsī méiyǒu yītiān néng qǐngjià
Life Co. Ltd., not a single day of break

人在哪里跌倒 就在哪趴一下
Rén zài nǎlǐ diédǎo jiù zài nǎ pā yīxià
If one trips, just lie down for a bit

Miàn duì cuòzhé yě dū zhuānyè huà
The procedure to face setbacks becomes standardised

让生涯最佳化 而梦想最小化
Ràng shēngyá zuì jiā huà ér mèngxiǎng zuìxiǎo huà
Optimise careers, minimise dreams

Shēngcún jīlǜ zhuīqiú zuìdà huà
Maximise the probability of survival

第三个部门 负责财务计画
Dì sān gè bùmén fùzé cáiwù jì huà
The third department oversees finances

Yào nǐ hé xiànshí dǎjià
Where one grapples with reality

第四个部门 任务更加复杂
Dì sì gè bùmén rènwù gèngjiā fùzá
The fourth department has the most complicated task

去寻觅 去恋爱 去找她或他
Qù xúnmì qù liàn'ài qù zhǎo tā huò tā
To seek, to love, to find him or her

“你曾深爱过吗 你曾放纵过吗?”
“Nǐ céng shēn àiguò ma nǐ céng fàngzòngguò ma?”
Have you loved deeply? Have you lived wildly?

Ài chéng yījù shǎ huà
Loved like a stupid phrase

Huó chéng yījù fèihuà
Lived like a useless comment

人生有限日子 挥霍一下
Rénshēng yǒuxiàn rìzi huīhuò yīxià
In the limited days you have, be extravagant

Gōngsī jiànjiàn biànhuà
The company advances gradually

Zǔzhī màn man kuòdà
The organisation expands steadily

Yǒushí wúfǎ zhāojià
Sometimes it can be too much to bear

Yǒudiǎn qíhǔnánxià
Sometimes you don’t have a choice

人生有限公司 还加班还没回家
Rénshēng yǒuxiàn gōngsī hái jiābān hái méi huí jiā
Life Co. Ltd., still working overtime

“你曾停下过吗 你曾怀疑过吗?”
“Nǐ céng tíng xiàguò ma nǐ céng huáiyíguò ma?”
Have you ever stopped? Have you ever doubted?

就算你有想法 你也没有办法
Jiùsuàn nǐ yǒu xiǎngfǎ nǐ yě méiyǒu bànfǎ
Even if you have ideas, you lack the means

人生无限问题 没有解答
Rénshēng wúxiàn wèntí méiyǒu jiědá
There are no answers to the unlimited questions in life

追逐富贵荣华 目标飞黄腾达
Zhuīzhú fùguì rónghuá mùbiāo fēihuángténgdá
Pursuing riches and luxury; aspiring to be successful

其实平安到达 就是一种伟大
Qíshí píng'ān dàodá jiùshì yī zhǒng wěidà
Reaching the end safely is a noble deed in itself

人生无限可能 谁能出价?
Rénshēng wúxiàn kěnéng shéi néng chūjià?
Who can put a price on the unlimited possibilities in life?

人生像打电话 总要有人先挂
Rénshēng xiàng dǎ diànhuà zǒng yào yǒurén xiān guà
Life is like making a call, someone must hang up first

来时呜呜哇哇 走要嘻嘻哈哈
Lái shí wū wū wāwā zǒu yào xīxīhāhā
Arrive with cries; leave with joy

人生有限的话 你想要怎样喧哗?
Rénshēng yǒuxiàn dehuà nǐ xiǎng yào zěnyàng xuānhuá?
If life is limited, how are you going to exploit it?

人生有限公司 没有一天能请假
Rénshēng yǒuxiàn gōngsī méiyǒu yītiān néng qǐngjià
In Life Co. Ltd., there is not a single day of break

歌词 Lyrics:




众人祝福 你还记得吗?

成天会议 成堆资料夹


专门改造傻瓜 会念书 
会考试 的那种傻瓜

“你曾挣扎过吗 你曾反抗过吗?”
如何使用生命 就叫“使命”是吗?
人生有限选择 谁在规划?

追逐富贵荣华 目标飞黄腾达
你准备好了吗 现在必须出发
人生有限公司 没有一天能请假

人在哪里跌倒 就在哪趴一下 
让生涯最佳化 而梦想最小化 

第三个部门 负责财务计画 
第四个部门 任务更加复杂 
去寻觅 去恋爱 去找她或他

“你曾深爱过吗 你曾放纵过吗?”
人生有限日子 挥霍一下

人生有限公司 还加班还没回家

“你曾停下过吗 你曾怀疑过吗?”
就算你有想法 你也没有办法
人生无限问题 没有解答

追逐富贵荣华 目标飞黄腾达
其实平安到达 就是一种伟大
人生无限可能 谁能出价?

人生像打电话 总要有人先挂 
来时呜呜哇哇 走要嘻嘻哈哈
人生有限的话 你想要怎样喧哗?
人生有限公司 没有一天能请假

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